Some time ago, I wrote about my courageous sister and her 50th birthday. Well, she did it! I am so proud of her I don't really have words. My youngest daughter met up with the group in Columbus, Ohio and finished the last leg into Washington, D.C. to the Lincoln Memorial and finally to dip those front tires into the Atlantic at Bethany Beach, Delaware. The following pictures will tell the story.
Monday, June 09, 2008
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Monday, June 09, 2008
I realize that all 6 readers of this blog have come to the conclusion that I have abandoned Knotasissy. Let's just say I took a sabbatical. Why a sabbatical? Because I took a vacation from one writing project to work on another more pressing. It had not a thing to do with knitting, and my personal knitting has suffered. That explanation for another post.
You see, I have been cheating with another blog. My (gasp) 40th High School Reunion is this summer. Shhhhhhh, I graduated when I was 5. The crazy thing about this blogging venture is that I was never a school spirit kind of girl and I never had a desire to go to any of the other reunions. Of course, until now, they could never locate me. The net has changed all of that. So, you might well ask how did I come to be the one to create, curate, administer, and author this communal blog. Either my classmates are the biggest bunch of con artists (a distinct possiblility) or none of them has any clue about setting up an "idiot" blog on blogger. Now, I ask you, which is the more plausible answer?
I hereby resolve to stop this foolishness and start paying attention to my first and most beloved blog. However, I have learned that I am something of a hussy and I will continue "enabling" my elderly classmates of yore. She's not nearly as lovely as Knotasissy, but there is certainly more pathos and not a little "spunk". I hate "spunk"! (Mr. Grant on MTM Show)
Did you think I was going to give you the link after that build up? Maybe I did.
who's leaving for Knitter's Connection tomorrow, so look me up if you're gonna be there
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Monday, June 09, 2008