I challenged myself to stay focused and finish 3 projects this week. I think discipline is overrated, but sometimes it comes in handy. I did cheat a teeny bit. I started the Branched Scarf from Knitty in Alchemy Silk, worked on the Heritage Rayon and Fiesta LaLuz clapotis, and I also dyed 9 skeins of bulky silk yarn that I bought on ebay. It was my first successful attempt. I gave up on Koolaid and sent for dye powder from Halcyon. I used a 34 quart enamel canning pot. Then what to do about drying? The silk becomes frowsy if handled or squeezed too much. Two old curtain rods and two patio chairs did the trick. It might rain overnight, so James set the whole thing up under the roof of the pool house. Can't wait to check it in the a.m. I promise I'll put the camera in my bathrobe pocket.. The color looked good enough to eat. I just hope the yarn is still good enough to knit.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Monday, May 16, 2005
In answer to a request for pics and stats of my obsession, just go to archives. I have posted pics of the first 4. The Clapoti KAL link will take you to the yahoo group where all of the particulars for these 4 can be found in their database under rosi. I have 3 more on the needles and one more completed. I'll get some pics up soon of the new ones. Here are the particulars.
#5 is Noro Lily in dark blue done on size 8 addi turbos - finished
#6 is Schaefer Laurel in Frida Kahlo colorway on size 8 addi's - 25% completed
#7 is Fiesta La Luz in Bluebonnet on size 6 denise (the most luxurious yarn in the world) - 50% completed
#8 is Heritage 20/80 silk and rayon in Atlantic Moonglow on size 6 denise (I'm going to double the increases and the add to the straight section as well. This may well be my favorite when it is done, which could be sometime in 2010! - 10% completed.
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Monday, May 16, 2005
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Although I would love to claim her as my own, the model and proud owner of the little tank top is the daughter of a good friend. Alas, I am neither her mother, nor her grandmother, but I am her "rosi". My "little girls" are 26 and 32, equally as gorgeous, but not nearly as eager or available to model my knitting experiments.
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Saturday, May 14, 2005
Friday, May 13, 2005
So far, so good. As you can see the little tank is finished and gone. Boy, I really love Cascade Fixation! Miss Mia was tickled pink with her new top. Have to love it. I'm down to the last 3 decrease sections on the Noro Lily Clapotis. It's amazing what can happen when you make a list that can be seen by anyone. If all goes well, I'll post new pic tomorrow.
Emma and I have been experimenting with dying our own yarn. First few attempts were pretty pathetic. This is a result of the yarn we didn't get through the yarn vendor who shall remain nameless. We both had our hearts set on the fiber and color of yarn we ordered and have not been able to find anything close. Speaking of the great yarn woe, I have given up ever hearing from her again or getting my money back. I have, however, found that the sponsors of the Valley Forge Show are very interested in my story. I have drafted a huge dossier of events with 8 x 12 color glossy photos (ala Alice's restaurant). If nothing else, it gave me the opportunity to scan the pertinent documents and assemble all of the emails in one place.
Enough moaning, better get cracking on that Clapotis if I intend to keep to my resolution.
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Friday, May 13, 2005
Cascade Fixation Little Tank designed as I went along. Notice the tiny flower, requested by Miss Mia.
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Friday, May 13, 2005
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Too Much
I seem to have so many projects on the needles all over the house, that I'm not finishing anything. What's worse, I can't seem to stop looking at new yarn. To solve this madness, I made a list of the projects and now I have forbidden myself to touch any, but the 3 that are closest to being finished.
Number 1: Little tank top knit with Cascade Fixation, for my favorite little red head. 100% 5/13
Number 2: Clapoti #6 knit with Noro Lily 100% 5/17
Number 3: Cozy, lacy shawl pattern from Knitty site, knit with Madil Silky. 100% 5/19
I need to apologize to Bonnie for not getting to the recipes I promised. There's just too much yarn and too many things I want to knit. I'm going to schedule my knee replacement this week. Maybe I'll have more time while convalescing. Ok, time to stop typing and start knitting.
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005